Mbei | Your flame still burns brightly | October 29, 2012 |
Shirley Ayuk-Takem | Gone but Never Forgotten | June 27, 2011 |
Judith Kieubeng Lamy | A Toi petite Ange!! | March 4, 2011 |
Basile Njei | Dr. | September 30, 2010 |
Tima | Friend | September 22, 2010 |
Justice Mrs Grace Mabu | Precious Memories | September 16, 2010 |
Maggi, we first met as young girls whilst in Saker Baptist College. Later in the early 1980's, when you returned to Cameroon from the USA we were neigboures in Anguissa. By then we were both married and my husband, Peter Mabu and yours became good friends. Our children and yours became close friends also and remain so now. Your home was another home to our children and vice versa. We both attended Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church and then started the Anguissa Baptist Church, Yaounde. We belonged to the CBC Womens Union and prayer groups of the church. We both attended Haggai institute, Singapore for leadership training and evangelism and formed the Haggai Alunmi in Yaounde, where you became Secretary General. We were also members of the education Board of the Cameroon Baptist Convention. I will never forget the precious moments we spent together, the laughter, the fun and times we spent sharing personal, family, church and many other issues. I will miss you grately, but I know someday we shall meet again, this time for everlasting precious moments. May the Lord grant your family and loved ones peace that passeth all human understanding.
Your Sister in Christ and friend
Gabriel et Jeanine TAKOUDJOU | ND Campus Crusade For Christ-Cameroon | September 16, 2010 |
Nous avons appris le depart de ce monde de Mme Enoh Magdelene avec une vive emotion, car le 21 Aout 2010, j'avais rencontre Mr John Enoch a Metet (Apres Mbalmayo) lors de l'enterrement du pere d'une de ses collaboratrices; nous avions echange des nouvelles de nos familles ; il m'avait dit que Mme Enoh etait aux USA pour assister sa fille et qu'elle devrait rentrer bientot au pays. Voila que c'est sa depouille qui nous revient: la vie nous reserve vraiment beaucoup de surprise.
Nous avons connu Mme Enoh a l'Eglise Baptiste D'etoug-Ebe de Yaounde ou nous etions dans le Coneil des Diacres: C'est une Dame de coeur, de foi et d'action qui aime vraiment le Seigneur, tres engagee dans son Eglise; elle a un sourire et un charisme naturels; c'etait toujours tres agreable de causer avec Mme Enoh. Elle a vecu pour glorifier Dieu et Dieu va se glorifier aussi dans son deces qui nous semble subite et precose. Nous l'aimions, mais nous savons que Dieu l'aime plus que nous tous et, ce qui nous console, c'est qu'elle est maintenant dans la Sainte presence de son Dieu qu'elle a aime et servi toute sa vie.
"...L'Eternel a donne et l'Eternel a ote; que le nom de l'Eternel soit beni !" Job 1:21 b
Gabriel et Jeanine TAKOUDJOU
NGI Balarabe | WE REALLY WIILL MISS YOU MUMMY. | September 16, 2010 |
NJAH NELSON | Thanks For Encouraging youths in Maranatha | September 14, 2010 |
Nelson Ngoh | Farewell to a colleague and Sister in Christ | September 11, 2010 |
I MISS YOU dearly. Our families worked closely. You remember we were science teachers , you taught chemistry and I taught biology. We both worked for the Cameroon G.C.E. Examination Board - while you were Chief Examiner for Chemistry I was Chief Examiner/Assessor for biology. We both worshipped at Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church, Yaounde. You were a deaconness and I a deacon. Your husband was the Chairman/Appointed Deacon and I was his Vice at Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church. You and Agnes were prayer partners at EBC Yaounde. You and Agnes were colleagues when you worked as Inspectors of Education in MINEDUC in Yaounde. Two of you ladies worked together for FEMSA. Your husband John and daughter Bessem visited Agnes on her sick bed here in Connecticut ,USA. You remember the long conversation you and I had about a year ago when you visited the USA as you nursed the idea of climbing up yet another rung in your academic ladder. You and Agnes decided to pass through America on your way to meet the Lord you have been serving faithfully. Now Meg, can you do me the last favour? Please say hi to Agi when you meet her for I have equally missed her for these nine years. If both of you can still have a chance to pray together as you used to do in Yaounde, please pray for John and I as we struggle through the rest of the days God still has for us here in this sinful world. Ask God to help us not to lament and mourn for you people as unbelievers. Adio Meg. We miss you dearly.
Elizabeth Gwei | Tribute to a Committed Woman of God | September 10, 2010 |
Aunty Meg,
This was your name when you worshipped with us at Etoug-Ebe Baptist church. Your soft spoken voice was clear, not to talk of the ever beautiful smile from a committed woman of God. I will never forget the time you spent with my family in our Ntumbaw residence during our pastor’s wedding.
You served the Lord faithfully and the Almighty says come home in a glorious way. Have a peaceful and joyous journey to our Heavenly Father.
Elizabeth Gwei
Peter Eno | Tribute to a dear Sister-in - law | September 10, 2010 |
Marie Takusi Njowo | SLEEP WELL, DEAR AUNTIE MEG. | September 10, 2010 |
Dear Auntie Meg.,
I knew you before we met. You were introduced to me and described by your dear sister-in-law, my mommy / big sis./ friend, Auntie Bache, as... sweet, gentle, soft-spoken, coy, intently religious, a good friend, a dedicated loving wife and a wonderful mother. These characteristics were glaringly obvious when I finally met you. From our initial contact through a phone conversation inquiring about planning a wedding in the US, to our frequent encounter the weeks leading up to and the days during our annual EXSSA-USA convention in Houston, Texas, your soothing nature permeated every time. Your words were always encouraging and your views optimistic...never a dull moment around you. Your sudden departure has imprinted an emotional wound in the hearts of many. Although we mourn that you've left us, we do so as Christians, knowing that you are resting comfortably with the Lord. I bought the straw hats you requested to “do your show-show” at the EXSSA AGM in Cameroon later this year. However, God wanted you to wear His heavenly crown as you majestically enter His kingdom. So, sweet Auntie Meg as the pearly gates swing open to welcome you, may your presence in God's kingdom enhance the gingles present therein. We remain at peace amidst our gloom especially after Auntie Bache's “revelation that came from a very very broken heart,” which assures us that yes your time with us on earth was indeed up. We will miss you, but we will let you go. Rest in peace until we meet again.
Marie Takusi-Njowo (Auntie Ma)
Houston, Texas.
melvis Mangwa | Sincere condolence | September 9, 2010 |
Dear Catherine and Bessem,
i know the death of your sister(Cathy) and mum (Bessem), comes as a tremendous shock and all what goes through you mind is why!why! why? i do feel and understand your pain so so much and my little words to you that might relief your pain slightly are--
God knows your every tear that you shed and HE has the answer to ever WHY and always remember that, only God knows how your broken heart fits HIS master plan,and every time you think your world is falling apart, HE is holding your whole world close in HIS warm hands.
Lastly, for some people life last a short while but the memories it holds lasts forever.My dear sisters,be strong and of good courage,May Her gentle soul REST IN PEACE.
Hearty sympathy
Melvis Mangwa
'Class of 93'
Takang Gabriel | In the night of death, hope sees a star | September 9, 2010 |
Sister Mag Enoh,
God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. So He put His arms around you and whispered "come to me." With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away. Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hardworking hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.
What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget.
May your gentle soul rest in peace.
Chief Takang Gabriel
President, MECA Toronto
Ekwoge Gladys Nzelle | Magdy my Inti | September 9, 2010 |
Anita Balinga-Etta | The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh | September 8, 2010 |
Jessie Ekukole | Tribute to a Gracious Woman | September 7, 2010 |
Sister Meg was a blessing beyond qualification and quantification. She was known for her radiant outer beauty characterized by a loving, comforting, disarming, consoling yet responsible smile: a genuine reflection of her inner beauty in Christ. This smile was contagious, encouraging and reassuring. She was blessed with gentleness, was soft-spoken yet a great educator. She was beautiful from within due to her genuine fear of God.
She was one of the blessed mothers of the Church in
husband in various situations, as a women’s leader she stood on the Word in all forms of crises, as a Sakerette she boasted of her alma mater. Above all her boast was in the Lord Jesus Christ. The last lap of the Journey was the offering of their beautiful home in
and it was Father’s Time to receive His daughter with “..Well done Good and faithful Servant” As a mother the world knows she succeeded because her children are all grown and well established! And what do we call success? She was already a grand-mother.
What can one say about Enoh Meg? Jesus knows why He sent her to us for this “SHORT TIME” !!!, Should we ask God why at such moments? I guess NO, on the contrary we need to accept that she just began living her real life, walking the streets of Gold, seeing Jesus face to face, and has joined the Heavenly Host to worship the King of Glory forever and forever.
As we weep on this side of the Jordan, we rejoice, and do agree with Paul that “for her to live was Christ and to die was gain, … to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”, finally we need to agree with the Psalmist that “precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints”. Sis. Meg was one of those saints. Yea her works will follow her.
We do miss Sister Meg, but we know there will be another meeting, where there will be no more separation. We will all gather at the River where bright Angels’ feet have trod, we will crown Jesus the
Christ, Lord of ALL.
Revd. & Mrs. Joe Jikong
Tonge Enoh | Tribute to Dear Aunty | September 6, 2010 |
When I heard the news I was truly devastated, but I tried to remember the great life she lived and the many ways she impacted people’s lives. Aunty Meg was gentle, caring, kind, wise, and selfless. She will be truly missed by everyone, but she is in a better place. May her soul rest in peace.
Sylvia Ngane | Condolence | September 6, 2010 |
Sam Takang | TRIBUTE TO SISTER MEG | September 6, 2010 |
Elizabeth Ndamukong | TRIBUTE TO A CLOSE FRIEND | September 6, 2010 |
When I got that phone call on 8-24-2010 informing me that you were in the mortuary in
Since September 1972 that we met in C.P.C. Bali our relationship has evolved from friendship to sisterhood.In You I found a friend, a classmate, a study partner, a co-worker,a confidant, a spiritual adviser and a sister.You meant so much to me. You were such a wonderful lady and a role model to so many people. You have made a lot of positive contributions in the lives of so many people.You wore so many hats so perfectly;you were:
-the loving and sweet daughter of Pah and Mah Nkongho
-the devoted, gorgeous,charming and supportive wife to Mr. J.C. Enoh.
-the committed,pious, God-fearing Christian woman
-the assiduous, intelligent Chemistry Educator, always trying to inspire and motivate her learners to get the best out of them
-the sweetest of the sweet mothers to Mbei, Bessem and Agei
-a dear daughter-in-law and sister-in-law to the Enoh family.
You will be missed by so many; the Chemistry family nationally and internationally, the Sakerettes, your friends, your Church family, the Nkongho and Enoh families. A large vacuum has been created in the lives of so many people. We all loved you but the Owner and Maker of us all loves you more and has called you to be by HIS side. You will forever live in my heart and memories. ADIEU, Aunty Meg, my beloved, beautiful, benevolent, God-fearing and intelligent sister friend.
Helen Agborbesong | My Dear Ma Bessem | September 6, 2010 |
My Dear Ma Bessem,
Shocking death! Shocking death indeed!
Magdy you were a sister friend and colleague. You were always there for me at all
times…you remained faithful. Magdy you were very meticulous, always wanting
things done properly. By your gentle way and soft words you lifted up many spirits
and changed many lives, bringing them closer to God. You taught me how to pray
fervently; you always encouraged me by saying “Ntoh, it is well.” Yes Magdy
even in your absence I know “it is well” with all your loved ones you’ve left
My dear sister and friend I miss you so very much but I believe you had a
wonderful conversation with the Lord and He concluded you should be by His side.
Adieu my wonderful sister and friend! Rest in perfect peace.
Ma Ntoh as you called me
Helen Agborbesong
Emilia Ndinteh | Excellent Chemist | September 6, 2010 |
Magdalene Enoh.
Excellent Chemist!! Outstanding teacher of the Advanced Level Chemistry! With
an ever growing and renewed interest in Chemistry, Research in Chemistry and
new methods of teaching and evaluating students of Chemistry! Her departure took
the whole Chemistry family of MINESEC unawares and left us screaming over
phones NO! NO! NO! Not Magdalene!
As a chemistry teacher in Bilingual High School Yaoundé, Magdalene was
devoted and interested in the students as a group and individually. She was a firm
teacher but also patient with slow learners. She was particularly concerned with
the teaching of Chemistry as an experimental science “Hands On, Learn by doing”.
She was quite frequent in the micro science centre to try out new experiments and
experimental pedagogic methods. Due to her efficiency she was a member of the
Cameroon GCE board Chemistry panel. We called her “Chieftess.” As a pedagogic
inspector for Centre Province, then Littoral Province, the Centre Region, she
showed the same zeal and commitment in helping teachers do their job well.
Magdalene, is void left. Your smile…we miss.
Oben James Agbor | TRIBUTE TO MRS ENOH MAGDALENE NKONGHO | September 6, 2010 |
I arrived Houston, on Sunday 4th July 2010 and met you there with your daughter and son in-law, after her successful delivery of a second bouncing baby boy named after your dear husband SEAN CHU OBEN.
It was a memorable vacation for me as we carried out medical check-ups together, practiced our sports together but you ran more than myself, you took very good care of your grand children and their mother. You cooked all the good food and we ate together, we visited our children friend’s homes and attended Eyumojock Family Association (EFA) meeting together.
Then I left Houston on Wednesday the 28th of July 2010 and you again and your son in-law accompanied me to the airport and you were to follow on August 11th. I told you these words before we separated finally :
« Thank you very much Mammy and continue to take care of my children. »
In your usual kind gentle and soft-spoken way, you answered :
« I will, bye bye »
So I was expecting you home for us to tell the stories of Houston. Later I was informed you had surgery in HERMANN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL where I checked up my eyes.
But on Tuesday the 24th of August at 07 :49 pm I got this message from your son in-law.
« At the airport now but we are having severe problems in Houston so I am changing my flight to go down there and be on the ground. Mrs Enoh had surgery last Wednesday but was hospitalised yesterday after complaining of pain. And her situation has worsened. I’m heading there to see what is happening ».
I called Ashu immediately but could not get him through. I then called Bessem your dear and only daughter but she would hardly speak out. I asked her if my wife, Mary was by her side and she handed the phone to her where the sudden and untimely news of your death was painfully announced to me.
It then dawned on me why you accompanied me that day at George Bush International Airport, to enable me have « MY LAST WORDS WITH YOU »
You have been too good, too kind, too calm, too natural and gentle, too caring for the family and for others. I want to thank you for all these qualities and especially for leaving behind to the OBEN’s family your replica in the person of BESSEM-NDIP
Dad of Son-in-law
Luke Kisob Esq. | Family Firend | September 6, 2010 |
Rachelle et Aude-Françoise | L'autre côté du silence | September 6, 2010 |